Well I can’t log-in to my site from chrome. It keeps giving me some cookie error which is apparently a common error but looking at the fixes on some website I found just makes my brain go fuzzy. So we’re working from firefox today.
Let’s see, the first photo in my uploads today is an Utena pic so we’ll start there. I didn’t get as much sewing done this weekend as I would have liked but I did get some done. It doesn’t really even look like it, but I did…

I got the pleats on the skirt sewn down and the bias tape waistband installed. Got the front edges turned, stitched down and pressed.

Then I spent the rest of the week cleaning up the jacket. I got the collar sewn on and the lining installed. Also trimmed up the shape in the front a bit and started getting the red trim sewn on last night.
After I finish getting the trim sewn on, then I just need to machine sew my zipper in place (it’s just basted in currently), finish the sleeves and cuffs and add the faux pockets on the front of the jacket. And then a closure probably hook and eyes. I still need to go find some good shoes for it – gotta make shoe covers.
Really don’t know that I’m going to finish this before the end of the year. I hope to. But I also just have not been in a sewing-frame of mind lately. I’m not going to push myself to sew if I don’t feel like it, because my deadline for this costume is only a date imposed by me. It doesn’t really matter.
I also guess that at this point I’m not going to finish my new Christmas stocking. C’est la vie.

Luna has been acting weird. Thanksgiving morning just as we were about to leave the house, she peed on the back door. Yesterday she was hissing. Thankfully she already had her 6 month check-up with the vet scheduled for next week so prayers no more stones have formed and it’s just her being weird. Especially the thanksgiving peeing incident, the whole day was weird for her so it may have just stressed her out. Yesterday, I dunno what her deal was.
Thanksgiving day we had TWO LUNCHES! We drove up to Jackson, saw everyone, had half a plate of food and then had to leave for Lunch #2 with my parents, Jean, Ash and all. It was hectic but lots of good food and good people. Nice to see everyone for the first time in 2 years.

I mostly finished decorating for Christmas. Still got a few things inside to put up and the outside lights too. Was going to do the outside lights this weekend but didn’t get to it.
I just love the house decorated for christmas. It makes me feel so happy. I’ll post some pics next week after i’m finished.
Friday we had an event at Graceland, they were showing A New Hope. My plan was to go in Leia, then come home and do our white backdrop photoshoot while I was already in Leia/in costume makeup.

We had a good turnout and a lot of people excited to see us and get pics. It was a fun time.

Didn’t stay for the movie – had a couple of stops to make on the way home. First grabbed a burger at mcdonald’s, then running to 2 grocery/food places to pick up stuff we needed for the weekend, both were literal just run it, grab what we needed, pay and leave, and since I was in Leia I stayed in the car. I really don’t know what happened but it took us over an hour and a half to get home after the event was over. So by the time we got home I was exhausted.
But still tried to push through with the white backdrop shoot even though it was now pretty late in the day. Managed to do new Leia shots, Diane, Roxy, and Scarlet Witch. I didn’t get to Padme and decided I’d save her for next weekend since we’re leaving the backdrop stuff up and I’m going to keep shooting stuff throughout the month.
But when I got the photos from Chase saturday I just look awful. I decided they’re all unusable. I just look as exhausted as I felt. Sooo we’re reshooting everything next week. Ugh. Waste of time. I should know better.
Saturday was mostly a lazy day. I sewed a bit, did more decorating. Sunday was going to be more of the same but mom asked if I could come “granny sit” so I did that and that took up most of the day. Kevin hung out with us too. I brought some sewing so while I did that, Kevin sat at the table with mama gin while she ate lunch. Since Mama Gin’s hearing is so bad, i’d just tell Kevin a question to ask her in my normal voice (she couldn’t hear me). He’d ask her the question. She wouldn’t be able to understand him. He’d get closer and ask it louder. She couldn’t understand. He’d say it even louder and slower. It was SO funny, I was cracking up in the other room. But it kept the two of them busy while I finished up basting the lining into Utena.
Then she came and sat in the sewing room with me and asked the same 10 questions over and over again. “Where is your dad” (he’s playing at a concert) “Where is the concert” (downtown) “Where downtown” (a brewery) “Who is he playing with” (one of his bands) “Is he getting paid” (I don’t know). And then “What are you making” (a costume) “Who is it for” (me) “What’s it from” (shows picture of Utena I kept up on my phone just for answering this question) “Where are you going to wear it” (a convention) “Will you bring it and show it to me when you’re done?” (of course)
I literally answered all these questions probably 20 times. She just doesn’t remember she already asked. She eventually went and took a nap, but a couple of hours later was back up and asking the first set of questions again over and over. (Where’s your dad)
But while she was napping, I got into the attic again. And again. And again. Came home with a car full of stuff. I also cleaned out the drawers of a dresser that’s sitting up there (lots of trash. Cleaned out all the trash).
I didn’t take pics of most of it but here’s what made it home:
-Another garbage bag full of clothes I’ll be selling – including my 4 inner senshi baseball-style shirts I LOVED and have been looking for. I’d keep them if they weren’t way too small for me now!
-Bunch more sketchbooks I missed first time through. I went through them last night, pulled out any actual art and threw the books away. I did keep one – it was the oldest one which was a black, hardbound sketchbook dated 1993-1994. So some of my oldest stuff, it’s almost entirely full of horse sketches. But I also remembered, as soon as I laid eyes on it, that that was the sketchbook I hid stuff in. And yep sure enough, tucked inside was a letter from my school about my bad grades i didn’t want my parents see it. LOL
-A wooden box full of My Little Pony “Petite Ponies” (will be selling)
-A bunch of issues of Beatle Fan magazine, and buried under them in the bag they were in were 3 of my X-Men graphic novels that I’ve ALWAYS WONDERED WHERE THOSE WENT
-a stack of Ranma 1/2 VHS tapes (will be selling)
-My Sega dreamcast! Will be selling. After a couple of rounds of crazy taxi if possible.
-2 wall scrolls, FF7 and evangelion
And best of all..
-a huge plastic bin of beatles t-shirts. I was hoping this was bin that had some of my Beatles memorabilia in it, because I knew that when we moved in 1995-ish I’d taken all my most important/breakable pieces, wrapped them in beatles t-shirts for padding, and put them in all in a big bin. And they never came out of that bin. So i thought for sure this is it! Well it wasn’t. There’s apparently 2 bins of beatles t-shirts OH GOD how many beatles t-shirts did I have?? There were 41 BEATLES T-SHIRTS in that bin alone. Plus I have 3 more in one of the recent garbage bag hauls. So who knows how many more are out there?? Plus I probably have about 10-12 in my current wardrobe. Good grief.
I plan to take pics of these shirts and eventually sell them. Most of this stuff I plan to sell except obviously the personal stuff like my art pulled out of the sketchbooks, nobody wants that.
So anyway. Hopefully next week I have some more Utena progress and hopefully some decent white backdrop photoshoot shots.